Summer Focus


That means we’re already halfway through 2021– how is that even possible??!!

So my question for you is this: What are you focusing on right now?

It’s okay if the answer is not a whole lot.

Okay, I’ll share first (since this is a post and all 😜), I have been focusing on how I FEEL versus the number on the scale. I’ve been working on eating more plant-based protein, a variety of vegetables and fruits, and staying consistent by unplugging for 30 – 40 minutes about 5 days a week so I can be intentional with my workouts.

Diet culture is OUT but taking care of my health is still in.

So that being said — what do YOU want to work on with the last 6 months of 2021?

Maybe it’s not even that big of a “goal”… maybe you only want to think about Summer or the next 3 weeks. Maybe it’s a number of steps, cups of water, or maybe you need a total shake up to start feeling your best self again.

WE ARE ALL DIFFERENT. Different things work for different people.

I am not here as your Coach to tell you what to do, but there are a lot of ways I can support you on your journey to long-term overall health and wellness.

I am great at brainstorming ideas on where to start, pointing you in a direction based on information you provide me, and pretty on point sharing healthier recipes.

So how can I help YOU?

Whether you don’t know where to start or just need a nudge of accountability while doing your full program, I wanna hear it.


I’m focusing on 645 starting next week. It’s six 45-minute workouts for 13 weeks. It builds a foundation and improves over the course of 4 phases.

If that sounds too intense for where you are in your journey, consider jumping in with a 3 week or 30 day program. We’ve got lots to choose from and in our community everyone has different goals.


Not sure you’re ready for a full-on challenge? No worries. Snag this 7-Day Summer Grill Menu for free.

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